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cool article Frei - and agree with so much of it ( especially the abhorrence of most Aussies). Ive learnt the hard way like you have by the sounds of things - usually the best way. I went ape shit when i first came in and brought everything that moved. Im narrowing into one area now which is essentially solely the Luna ecosystem: its growing at a great rate of knots and i believe its an absolute killer (and i was lucky to get in at $6 so basically my life is riding on it) - who needs DeRace when you can punt on Do. I look at Donnie Big Bags and how he just focuses on Dot/ Becker who just does games ( part of DeRace crew as well so beware) Some would say you need to diversify more: i have Eth and Avax as slight backstops. But im also big believer in betting big on what you believe in: at some stage you have to have the courage of your convictions. On the metaverse as a whole - watch this if you havent already, bloody interesting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kncJmFjIfUA James is awesome.

Look forward to your next offering


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